Joining FoMBL and renewing your membership.

Joining FoMBL

If you would like to join FoMBL, our preferred method is for you to use our MemberMojo system where you can pay by credit card.

Join FoMBL

Alternatively there is a membership form which allows you to join offline. Download the pdf form and fill it in. If you are not sending a cheque you can email it to our membership secretary:
If you are sending a cheque, then print the form off and post it to the address given on the form.

The subscription is currently £8 per year for individual members, or £5 per year for students and young people under 25, and £15 for organisations.

Renewing your membership

Membership details are now handled by MemberMojo. Click on the link below to check your details and renew your membership. (Membership is due to be renewed each year in June.) You can pay instantly by card (preferred) or by cheque, bank transfer or standing order. For these last three options your membership will be confirmed when the payment clears.

Renew Membership

Standing Orders

Standing orders can be set up directly with the bank. FoMBL bank details are supplied during the registration process. However, if you wish to fill out a standing order form to send to the bank then it is linked here along with a membership form linked below. We can process membership forms for you if you prefer not to complete the online version.

Get the forms:

Membership Form.

Standing Order Form.


If you wish to make a donation to FoMBL, this can be made by online bank transfer. Bank details are on the Standing Order Form.. You can also make donations by text message. See Payment by Text

© 2022 FoMBL