There are always little jobs to be done around the park, and in these times of tightening budgets the Council can't always afford the manpower to do as much as it would like. So FoMBL members have been helping out. If you would like to help you are most welcome to come along.
Volunteeering is on the last Saturday of the month. Meet at the Cricket Pavilion. 10:00 am.
The Tree Group also welcomes volunteers, and meets every week on Friday at 1:30 pm at the Cricket Pavilion (Contact
Look out for the monthly reminder emailed to all members - any changes to the regular pattern will be given there.
Here are the dates for 2025:
January 25th
February 22nd
March 29th
April 26th
May 31st
June 28th
July 26th
August 30th
September 27th
October 25th
November 29th
December 27th
Volunteer Co-ordinator - Neil Roger. Contact him at