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The project is largely in the hands of Edinburgh World Heritage but further lengthy meetings are anticipated before finalisation of the project. FoMBL still holds funds of £3763 allocated to the project.


The new log house at South Links continues to be a big success with plenty of local appreciation and use.The required signage still to be finalised and fixed to railings. David Kyles is organising the design of the sign but we are funding it through the communities grant (£300)

The archimedes screw water feature is still to be installed at the East Meadows playground after breaking down over 8 years ago. The lack of action is partly due to limited staff availability. NR trying to get this fixed via local councillors.

Replacement slide at S.Links playground

NR managed to get the playground officer and Bob McAlister (senior official) to order the new slide but only after intervention by Cllr. Munro. Both councillors Ross and Parker gave us support regarding this action.

Note : Playground budget is healthy but there appears to be a severe shortage of playground staff. Concern by NR over lack of health and safety checks — i.e. broken roundabout, loose screws on swings and large holes in playground surface


The Tree Group continues to meet most Fridays although severe winter weather sometimes results in cancellation.


Considerable effort was made by members of the tree group (especially Alistair Cant) to prepare a presentation to committee outlining our work (mainly relating to biodiversity) as well as proposals for future years.

We have been supported by David Kyles, local councillors, Gillespie's staff and the new CEC project officer, Clair Watson.

Teachers from JGS organised a survey carried out by secondary pupils to compile a list of comments on the recent copse planting on the Links. This resulted in over 90% support by 70 park users who were interviewed.
A revised date for the committee presentation has now been set for April 28th 2025.


4.1 South Links (Muriel Spark Walk meadow)

A large quantity of yellow rattle seed was sown at the end of last year and we hope to see successful growth in the Spring. Yellow rattle helps to suppress grass which can dominate wildflowers

Charles McQueen (local ecologist) has a large quantity of wildflower plugs ready to plant in the early spring. He has also fixed a rope to stakes around the meadow to hopefully protect some of the delicate wildflowers which were planted last autumn as well as future planting.

Wildflower planting

It is understood that David Kyles with Tim Duffy has agreed with Scottish Water to extend the present meadow by 4000 sq.m. into the area which will be vacated by Scottish Water in the spring. Apparently SW have purchased 14kg of pollinator seed for that project. It is not clear who will carry out the preparation and seeding which may occur in March depending on whether SW have finished the work.


5.1 Saturday volunteers

Alison Carr runs the volunteer group every month although the January work party had to be cancelled due to bad weather. Thanks to all the regular volunteers who turn up as well as the group of students who appear to be very enthusiastic.

5.2 Tree Group volunteers

The tree group work most Fridays from 1.30 pm, as well as on other days, when available. We have around 7 active members who carry out maintenance work and planting especially at the South Links but also around the Meadows. In addition secondary pupils from James Gillespie's have been helping out on most Fridays during term time.

5.3. School children and bulb planting

At the end of the year Claire Watson (CEC project worker) organised groups of primary school children who belong to the after school club 'Earth Calling' to plant hundreds of bulbs around the Bruntsfield toilets and at the edge of the copse planting in some very cold weather. Helped by FoMBL tree group members.
Bulb planting


Proposed new toilets are clearly welcomed. FoMBL has taken part in many meetings throughout the year with the Thriving Green Spaces team who have chosen a location at the south end of Middle Meadow Walk. (Not considered as ideal by many park users but there appear to be many constraints to consider.)

The TGS team have recently decided on a layout for the toilets which now omit all but one of the previously proposed access paths. There is now one path at right angles to Middle Meadow Walk. We have requested consideration to put in another path as well as splayed corners at the right angled path entrance.

Concern has been expressed at the lack of any nearby disabled parking bays for those using the changing places facility and parking on the main road is not that safe.

A lockable external tap was not included in the final design as requested so after intervention by a local councillor a stand alone tap is now proposed. Due partly to the revisions to the plans the toilets may not now open until the summer.
New Toilets
Plan of final toilet site with path suggestions

Bark chips


7.1. FoMBL (NR) has requested David Kyles organise the spreading of bark chips over many muddy paths and so far he has done a great job of improving walking conditions including on South Meadow Walk west of the Pavilion.


  1. Prepare a long term plan in conjunction with D.Kyles to show proposed areas of hedgerow/copse planting throughout the Meadows and Bruntsfield Links.
  2. Prepare a plan to show areas of reduced mowing and agree with David Kyles
  3. Assist in practical work at Cricket Pavilion and await decisions on lease.
  4. Continue to maintain and plant new trees including watering
  5. Install a new sign at the Links play area to acknowledge FoMBL and Forbes nursery.
  6. Organise and prepare for spring planting with assistance from David Kyles and Callum Maclellan
  7. Propose new play equipment.
  8. Add more exercise equipment to augment existing
  9. Augment and increase the areas of wildflower areas depending on volunteer resources and overall approved management plan.
  10. Work with D.Kyles on production of new management plan.
  11. re-submit funding application for table-tennis table.
  12. Design and install (method to be agreed) tree name plaques on rarer specimens.
  13. Design and fix new notice for monthly volunteers.
  14. Organise refurbishment of wooden benches and installation of new ones where agreed with CEC.
  15. When time permits organise the installation of additional play and exercise equipment subject to CEC approval.
  16. Examine the possibility of installing a bandstand.

Neil Roger. 27/01/2025

FOMBL PROJECT UPDATE 3rd November 2024

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The project is now on track to be completed, hopefully in the Spring next year, after a thorough review of all 8 panels at a meeting on 25th September with Neil Roger, Graeme Cruickshank, Silke Schneider and Fiona Rankin at Edinburgh World Heritage. There will be still be many hours of work to do before the panels can be finalised.

A panel design in progress


The new log house continues to be a big success with plenty of local appreciation and use.The required signage still to be finalised and fixed to railings.David Kyles is providing the sign.
The archimedes screw water feature is still to be installed at the East Meadows playground after breaking down over 8 years ago. The lack of action is partly due to limited staff availability. NR trying to get this fixed via local councillors.

New equipment at the sand area is being installed to replace unsafe units. Users have reported poor snagging resulting in equipment failure. Alan Grevers (CEC playgrounds) has asked us to come up with ideas for a replacement for the slide at Links playground, which was removed in the spring. NR has proposed several options after public consultation. NR met Cllr Munro on site with Alan Grevers who agreed to order the slide but stated it would not be installed for 6 months.

The Links playground has been severely neglected and NR offered to find volunteers to clear the grass growth . So far Alison has cleared a good amount with the Saturday volunteers. At present CEC do not have the resources to clear growth around railings etc. Joan Carter has organised a group of students to help clear the remainder of the grass.

The Links playground


The Tree Group, which has been formed into a FoMBL sub-committee, has met every Friday throughout the year. Full approval to be sought at FoMBL trustee meeting on 4/11/24 Work has included watering, clearing growth from under young trees and mulching.

The new hedgerow planting at the Links and North Meadow Walk, completed at the beginning of the year, requires about 400 trees/bushes to replace dead ones. Trees have been ordered from the Woodland Trust and planting will occur in November with the help of local school children and teachers. Further similar hedgerow planting has been put on hold whilst the new Meadows and Bruntsfield Links management plan is being updated.

Watering has been a long term problem due to a lack of integrated maintenance after planting new trees. Recently Parks staff have managed to water some young trees using funding approved after requested by councillor Ben Parker. FoMBL tree group watered new trees during critical periods with the use of bowsers and hoses.

Looking ahead FoMBL tree group is meeting with D.Kyles and B.Parker to try and improve the watering situation for next year. £250000 has been allocated for tree watering and maintenance throughout the city but it is unclear how this is to be spent in the Meadows/BL.



South Links (Muriel Spark Walk meadow)

We have been very pleased with the excellent spread of wildflowers and grasses growing at the South Links Wildflower Meadow (Muriel Spark Walk), due partly to abundant rain in May which is usually a very dry month. Regular volunteers including Alastair Philp, Neil Roger, Martin Howarth, Anke Bremer, Alistair Cant, Clive Kempe, Charles McQueen Amanda and family have been active carrying out removal of invasive plants such as nettles, docks and rosebay willow herb.
The ongoing work will include watering and removal of invasive plants as well as planting additional wildflowers and herbs.

Recently large areas of nettle and creeping thistle roots have been dug out from the side of the path railing. This will enable us to plant wildflowers as well as flowering bushes to increase the diversity of pollinating plants for insects and birds.
Charlie McQueen (ecologist) has joined our team and has cut and cleared the wildflower meadow as well as providing wildflower plugs which he helped to plant recently.

Leamington Walk Meadow (managed by Tim Duffy)
This meadow has recently been cut and raked and hopefully extended next year into a portion of the adjacent area vacated (eventually) by Scottish Water.




There has been an abundance of wildflowers growing where mowers would normally have cut in the summer. We hope that in future mowing will be more limited to central areas, although grass still should be cut at the correct time. So far we have not been able to agree a detailed mowing plan, despite a big effort by David Kyles to persuade mowers to plan for future cuts. It is hoped further discussions can be held with mowing managers and park staff. There are still examples of mowers cutting down planted hedges etc.
Although relaxed mowing is a council policy under the Thriving Green Spaces initiative the Meadows and Bruntsfield Links have not been included in their proposals.

Unmown grass at the Links with cat's ear


6.1 Saturday volunteers

Alison Carr has run the volunteer group every month and they have cleared huge amounts of litter, leaves and 'weeds' as well as removed graffiti and other worthwhile tasks including clearing grass inside the Links playground and removing weeds from the base of the Prince Albert sundial. It is hoped that a new sign to invite more volunteers will be placed at the Cricket Pavilion. Tree Group volunteers

6.2 Tree Group volunteers

The tree group has worked every Friday from 1.30 pm, as well as on other days, when available. We now have 7 active members who have done a huge amount of work including, clearing growth under trees and mulching. Due to the demands of planning tree planting/maintenance it was agreed to set up a FoMBL sub-committee which would meet when required to deal with regular issues and planning.


7. TABLE TENNIS TABLE at Eric Liddell Way

A CEC community grant was applied for to install a new table tennis table near to existing exercise units adjacent to Eric Liddell Way. This proposal has been welcomed by the community, especially after the success of the table installed near the East Meadows playground. Donations have been given by the Black Ivy Hotel and JR Group. In addition DK offered to make the application to avoid VAT and he also agreed to apply and pay for the planning application.

Unfortunately the grant panel did not select our application (reasons given did not take account of community/ CEC support)

FoMBL can either re-submit by 2nd December or try again next year.

Location for proposed table-tennis table


Proposed new toilets are clearly welcomed. FoMBL has taken part in over 6 meetings throughout the year with the Thriving Green Spaces team who have now chosen a location at the south end of Middle Meadow Walk. (Not approved as ideal by many park users but constraints accepted) The toilet building will contain a small store for FoMBL equipment and an outside tap to help with tree watering. Unfortunately the original installation date of June 2024 has now been put forward to spring/summer next year. This was partly due a lack of knowledge by the TGS team regarding the restrictions of the Confirmation Act which prohibits all new building on the Meadows, except toilets and bandstands. It was also due to a lack of an initial understanding of planning requirements. A refreshment kiosk had been erroneously included in the design, but this has now been omitted.
The original plans showed 3 urinals without wash hand basins. The revised proposals omitted the urinals altogether but no reason was given for this. Further opportunity to comment on the design can be made prior to the planning submission. No revised plans have been provided.

Whilst FoMBL was fully consulted and many other constraints had to be considered, it is disappointing that this project has not been handled better and the lack of effective consultation (not taking on board advice on planning and Confirmation Act) has resulted in considerable delay and likely cost increases. (Opinion of NR not necessarily FoMBL)


At a recent meeting with EWH it was stated that a specialist bone conservator was commissioned to examine the possibility of erecting the jawbones which had been preserved last year but found to be structurally unstable. If this attempt fails then it is hoped that a replica could be erected after feasibility studies have been made. Whatever the outcome an information panel will commemorate the history of this historic and much loved feature which stood for 135 years at the entrance to Jawbone Walk.

Jawbones being dismantled


Heather Goodare (FoMBL past convenor) has donated £1000 towards improving the worn corner at Glengyle Terrace. At a meeting with Heather, NR and David Kyles it was agreed to fill the muddy hollows with fine whin dust which makes a smooth compact surface and should improve the condition of this long worn corner considerably. All are keen to complete this project which started in 2012.



  1. Prepare a long term plan in conjunction with D.Kyles to show proposed areas of hedgerow/copse planting throughout the Meadows and Bruntsfield Links
  2. Prepare a plan to show areas of reduced mowing and agree with David Kyles
  3. Assist in practical work at Cricket Pavilion and await decisions on lease
  4. Continue to maintain and plant new trees including watering
  5. Design and install a new sign at the Links play area to acknowledge FoMBL and Forbes nursery
  6. Organise and prepare for autumn planting with assistance from David Kyles and Callum Maclellan
  7. Propose new play equipment
  8. Add more exercise equipment to augment existing
  9. Augment and increase the areas of wildflower areas depending on volunteer resources and overall approved management plan
  10. Work with D.Kyles on production of new management plan
  11. Resubmit funding application for table-tennis table
Neil Roger. 3/11/2024

FoMBL PROJECT UPDATE 1st October 2024

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The project is now on track to be completed, hopefully in the Spring next year, after a thorough review of all 8 panels at a meeting on 25th September with Neil Roger, Graeme Cruickshank,Silke Schneider and Fiona Rankin at Edinburgh World Heritage.


The new log house continues to be a big success with plenty of local appreciation and use.The required signage still to be finalised and fixed to railings.

The archimedes screw water feature is still to be installed at the East Meadows playground after breaking down over 8 years ago. The lack of action is partly due to limited staff availability.

New equipment at the sand area is being installed to replace unsafe units.

Alan Grevers (CEC playgrounds) has asked us to come up with ideas for a replacement for the slide at Links playground, which was removed in the spring. NR has proposed several options after public consultation. Further details can be provided by NR. Local councillors have agreed to meet to discuss proposals.


The Tree Group, which has been formed into a FoMBL sub-committee, has met every Friday throughout the year.

Work has included watering, clearing growth from under young trees and mulching.

The new hedgerow planting at the Links and North Meadow Walk, completed at the beginning of the year, requires about 400 trees/bushes to replace dead ones. Trees have been ordered from the Woodland Trust and planting will occur in November with the help of local school children. Further similar hedgerow planting has been put on hold whilst the new Meadows and Bruntsfield Links management plan is being updated.

Watering has been a long term problem due to a lack of integrated maintenance after planting new trees. Recently Parks staff have managed to water some young trees using funding approved after requested by councillor Ben Parker. FoMBL tree group watered new trees during critical periods with the use of bowsers and hoses.


South Links (Muriel Spark Walk meadow)

We have been very pleased with the excellent spread of wildflowers and grasses growing at the South Links Wildflower Meadow (Muriel Spark Walk), due partly to abundant rain in May which is usually a very dry month. Regular volunteers including Alastair Philp, Neil Roger, Martin Howarth, Anke Bremer, Alistair Cant, Clive Kempe, Amanda and family have been active carrying out removal of invasive plants such as nettles, docks and rosebay willow herb. The ongoing work will include watering and removal of invasive plants as well as planting additional wildflowers and herbs.

Recently large areas of nettle and creeping thistle roots have been dug out from the side of the path railing. This will enable us to plant wildflowers as well as flowering bushes to increase the diversity of pollinating plants for insects and birds.


There has been an abundance of wildflowers growing where mowers would normally have cut in the summer. We hope that in future mowing will be more limited to central areas although grass still should be cut at the correct time. So far we have not been able to agree a detailed mowing plan, despite a big effort by David Kyles to persuade mowers to plan for future cuts. It is hoped further discussions can be held with mowing managers and park staff.


Saturday volunteers

Alison Carr has run the volunteer group every month and they have cleared huge amounts of litter, leaves and 'weeds' as well as removed graffiti and other worthwhile tasks. A new sign to invite more volunteers will be placed at the Cricket Pavilion.

Tree Group volunteers

The tree group have worked every Friday from 1.30 pm, as well as on other days, when available.

7. TABLE TENNIS TABLE at Eric Liddell Way

A CEC community grant has been applied for to install a new table tennis table near to existing exercise units adjacent to Eric Liddell Way. This proposal has been welcomed by the community, especially after the huge success of the table installed near the East Meadows playground. Donations have been given by the Black Ivy Hotel and JR Group.


Proposed new toilets are clearly welcomed. FoMBL has taken part in over 6 meetings throughout the year with the Thriving Green Spaces team who have now chosen a location at the south end of Middle Meadow Walk. The toilet building will contain a small store for FoMBL equipment and an outside tap to help with tree watering. Unfortunately the original installation date of June 2024 has now been put forward to spring/summer next year. This was partly due to the restrictions of the Confirmation Act which prohibits all new building on the Meadows, except toilets and bandstands. A refreshment kiosk had been included in the design, so this has now been omitted. Further chance to comment on the design can be made prior to the planning submission.


Recently a specialist bone conservator was commissioned to examine the possibility of erecting the bones which had been preserved last year but found to be structurally unstable. If this attempt fails then it is hoped that a replica could be erected after feasibility studies have been made. Whatever the outcome an information panel will commemorate the history of this historic and much loved feature which stood for 135 years at the entrance to Jawbone Walk.


Heather Goodare (FoMBL past convenor) has donated £1000 towards improving the worn corner at Glengyle Terrace. At a meeting with Heather, NR and David Kyles it was agreed to fill the muddy hollows with fine whin dust which makes a smooth compact surface and should improve the condition of this long worn corner considerably. All are keen to complete this project which started in 2012.


1. Prepare a long term plan to show areas of hedgerow/copse planting throughout the Meadows and Bruntsfield Links.
2. Prepare a plan to show areas of reduced mowing and agree with David Kyles
3. Assist in practical work at Cricket Pavilion
4. Continue to maintain and plant new trees including watering
5. Design and install a new sign at the Links play area to acknowledge FoMBL and Forbes nursery.
6. Organise and prepare for autumn planting with assistance from David Kyles and Callum Maclellan
7. Propose new play equipment.
8. Add more exercise equipment to augment existing
9. Augment and increase the areas of wildflower areas depending on volunteer resources and overall approved management plan.

Neil Roger. 1st October 2004


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Unfortunately the project has ground to a halt again after Fiona Rankin's return in December. A promised meeting never materialised. We still hold funds for this project but Graeme Cruikshank and I are not working on it until I hear from EWH.


The new log house so far have been a big success with plenty of local appreciation and use.The required signage still to be finalised and fixed to railings.

The archimedes screw water feature is due to be installed at the East Meadows playground after breaking down over 8 years ago.

Alan Grevers (CEC playgrounds) has asked us to come up with ideas for a replacement for the slide which was removed at Links playground.


The Tree Group have met most Fridays in Spring and mainly spent time maintaining all the young trees planted in the autumn and winter. Watering was essential during a dry spell but was eased after considerable rainfall in May.
The task now is to clear grass around the base of young trees/bushes, mulch and water.

Thanks to David Kyles we now have a new water tap at Bruntsfield toilets and hope to have a new store installed adjacent in about a months time. We now have a store at James Gillespies where we can keep other items and tools safely. We hope to have at least 3 bowsers placed at NMWalk, the Cricket Pavilion and Bruntsfield toilets.
Volunteers now include students generously supplied by Stu of Uplands Roast coffee.


This is proving to be a daunting task and we are trying to link with local schools and teachers to involve them over the next 3 weeks before schools finish for the holidays. We have now bought a long section of hose pipe to bring water much closer the planted areas.


It was agreed that a plan would be prepared to show all future areas of planting similar areas of hedgerow/copses especially alongside roadsides to help protect the park from traffic pollution.


We have been very pleased with the excellent spread of wildflowers and grasses growing at the Links Wildflower Meadow, due partly to abundant rain in May which is usually a very dry month. Regular volunteers including Alastair Philp, Neil Roger, Martin Howarth, Anke Bremer, Alistair Cant, Clive Kempe, Amanda and family have been active carrying out removal of invasive plants such as nettles, docks and rosebay willow herb.
The ongoing work will include watering and removal of invasive plants as well as planting additional wildflowers and herbs.

Azure damselfly Red campion Knapweed Meadow crane's bill Yellow rattle Oxeye daisy


There has been an abundance of wildflowers growing where mowers would normally have cut by now. We hope that in future mowing will be limited to central areas. So far we have not been able to agree a mowing plan despite a big effort by David Kyles to persuade mowers to plan for future cuts.

View over to log house with tulip tree Vetch growing wild amongst grass


Alison Carr has run the volunteer group every month and have cleared huge amounts of litter, leaves and grass as well as removed graffiti. Unfortunately the numbers of volunteers are going down so an effort should be made to attract more and younger volunteers. NR is hoping to design a new sign to invite volunteers which will be placed to avoid graffiti if possible.


The tree group have worked every Friday as well as other days when available.


A new council officer, Claire Watson, has been appointed and it is hoped she will liaise with us to provide a link with local school children. Claire Watson | Project Worker, Wilding Wee Spaces | Wider Achievement and Lifelong Learning | Children, Education and Justice Services | The City of Edinburgh Council |


  1. Prepare a long term plan to show areas of hedgerow/copse planting throughout the Meadows and Bruntsfield Links.
  2. Prepare a plan to show areas of reduced mowing and agree with David Kyles
  3. Raise funds and apply for planning permission to install a table tennis table at South Links
  4. Continue to fix tree name notices to newly planted tree wire enclosures.
  5. Design and install a new sign at the Links play area to acknowledge FoMBL and Forbes nursery.
  6. Organise and prepare for autumn planting with assistance from David Kyles and Callum Maclellan
  7. Propose new play equipment.
  8. Add more exercise equipment to augment existing

FoMBL PROJECT UPDATE 21st April 2024


Unfortunately the project has ground to a halt again after Fiona Rankin's return in December. A promised meeting never materialised. We still hold funds for this project but I am not working on it until I hear from EWH.


The new log house and wooden train were successfully installed and so far have been a big success with plenty of local appreciation. The funds of £7700 have now been transferred to CEC with the required signage still to be finalised and fixed to railings.

The archimedes screw water feature is due to be installed at the East Meadows playground after breaking down over 8 years ago.

New toddlers' playground in Bruntsfield Links

3. BENCHES FoMBL Bench project

The third bench has now been successfully restored with plaque to Greg Michelson's parents. Greg is a long term FoMBL member and provided his own funds to restore the bench. The joiner was Richard Ryrko who restored the previous two benches. It is hoped he will have the opportunity to restore more benches.

The 2 new wooden benches installed opposite James Gillespie's school continue to be very popular.


The Tree group has been very active during the autumn and winter with a steady group of regular volunteers turning up every Friday as well as over the two weeks of planting with schoolchildren in January.

Tree planting at Bruntsfield Links in January/February

The planting of 14 new trees has now completed the new avenue (Whitehouse Loan to Bruntsfield Terrace) which we started last winter. A further 36 were planted throughout Bruntsfield Links.

Trees and bushes supplied by various sources have been planted at the Toddlers' playpark adjacent to the tennis courts as well as at the existing copse next to the East playground.

Major tree and bush planting at SW Bruntsfield Links organised and completed by FoMBL, James Gillespies and CEC Parks (David Kyles and Peter Davidson with other staff)

Around 2000 tree and bush plugs were planted during some pretty cold weather by about 300 children and teachers from James Gillespies primary and secondary as well as pupils from Bruntsfield primary.

Thanks to many volunteers including Martin, Mihaela, Neil, Clive, Alistair, Alastair and Ion.

We are planting close to achieve a dense hedge/copse where the public can't easily enter (like a normal field hedge) The result will provide a habitat for birds and insect life as well as all the microorganisms which will flourish within a biodiverse system.

Berry/fruit and nut producing trees such as rowan, alder, hazel and crab apple will grow above the bushes (holly, dog rose, elder, hawthorn, blackthorn etc) to provide birds with essential food as well as a safe place to survey the food below.

In addition such planting absorbs huge amounts of carbon dioxide which will be of particular relevance alongside the highly polluting Bruntsfield Place. Dense copses will provide some shelter from prevailing winds.

A further 400 trees and bushes were planted in March.

The Friday Tree Group followed up by completing the mulching off all newly planted trees and bushes. Further mulching of most of the young trees was carried out by FoMBL member Alistair Cant who also mapped the planted trees throughout the Links and Meadows.

Along with David Kyles (CEC Parks officer) we plan to follow the CEC 2022-2027 Biodiversity Action Plan and create more areas of miniforest, dense copse/hedgerow and more areas of relaxed mowing (allowing grass to grow taller especially between trees.) This will be shown on proposal maps to follow in the coming years.


Links fenced area The meadow was cut by David Kyles and raked by volunteers in November. Further turf digging and seeding was carried out in April along with bush and tree planting along the perimeter.

Leamington Walk wildflower meadow

Tim Duffy and David Kyles organised raking of meadow as well as planting hundreds of bulbs by volunteers managed by Alison Carr alongside Melville Drive in November so many thanks to all their hard work

6 TREE, BUSH and wildflower maintenance

Over the years we have struggled with watering young trees but at last we have agreement to install a water tap at Bruntsfield toilets along with new tool store at James Gillespie's school. This means the water bowser can be kept much nearer to the large number of newly planted trees and bushes which will require watering over the next few years


Alison Carr has continued to lead the volunteers on last Saturday of the month but more volunteers are needed.Volunteers have managed to clear many benches of weeds and undergrowth, collected a large amount of litter and carried out many worthwhile tasks. A big thank you to Alison Carr for leading the teams.


In November Keith Gifford and his team removed and inspected/cleaned 21 bird boxes. His report on the findings will be made available in due course. Many thanks to Keith and team for carrying out this important work.


Neil Roger 22nd April 2024

FOMBL PROJECT UPDATE 21st October 2023


After Neil Roger contacted Edinburgh World Heritage director in April, Silke Schneider was appointed to complete the panel project and NR/GC provided her with a complete update. So far she has been very thorough and Graeme and I are pleased with how the project has started to get going again. There are no firm dates for completion but we hope to learn more soon.


installation date for new log playhouse and train at S.Links has been confirmed by Alan Grevers (CEC playgrounds officer) This equipment was delivered last year after funding raised by FoMBL and expected to be installed week commencing 23rd October.

NR still to meet playground officer to discuss new equipment proposed for East (Magnet) and Links Playgrounds due to old equipment deemed unsafe. Archimedes screw water feature still to be installed but some ordered equipment has been lost. Due to onset of winter the equipment may be installed in the Spring if located.

3. BENCHES FoMBL Bench project

A FoMBL member has offered to fund the restoration of another wooden bench situated at the toddlers' playground in the Meadows. He has now donated funds and this bench is being restored. FoMBL have now restored 3 wooden benches and provided 2 new ones (CEC community grant)

The 2 new wooden benches installed opposite James Gillespie's school continue to be very popular.


Tree planting in the autumn

7 new trees are proposed for completion of a new avenue continuing from Warrender Park Road. Funding has been allocated for new trees to be planted along Melville Drive and we are awaiting approval from CEC forestry. Approval has not been given so these trees will have to planted in the early spring after cable detectors have cleared the site.

Replacement of dead trees

Approval has been given to replace many young trees which have died due to lack of watering. Tree group has now planted over 10 smaller trees to replace dead trees and will continue this planting program throughout the years 23/24

Tree watering

Over 40 trees planted at South Links and the Meadows have been regularly watered by FoMBL TREE GROUP. Thanks to regular waterers Benet Haughton, Martin Howorth and Alastair Philp with help from Mihaela, Anka Bremer, Keith Gifford, Amanda Lake, Felix Lake, Oliver Roger, Mr and Mrs Braunholtz.

Post restoration

FoMBL tree group have reclaimed over 100 posts which have rotted at the soil ends. The rotten ends have been cut off and sharpened with preservative applied. This has saved CEC a large sum of money! Rotten posts are normally discarded by the council.

Water Bowsers

FoMBL have purchased a second water bowser which we hope can be stored in a new store at the Bruntsfield public toilets. We hope to install a second store at the East public toilets giving us water facilities at three locations throughout the Meadows and BL.


Links fenced area

Volunteers have been tending to the wildflower meadow regularly over the summer and we had a good showing of oxeye daisy, red and white campion, yellow rattle, self heal, wood betony, knapweed, vetch, cornflower etc.

Big thanks to Amanda Lake for organising a clearing of nettles and thistles along the perimeter railings last month to avoid the whole length being sprayed with glyphosate by CEC parks. (now banned)

New notices to advertise our work still proposed

Meadow areas to be cut by CEC parks at end of October and raked by volunteers.

Leamington Walk wildflower meadow

Tim Duffy acquired hundreds of plugs which were planted on 29th July. This meadow to be cut by CEC Parks at end of October with raking a week later.


Alison Carr has continued to lead the volunteers on last Saturday of the month but more volunteers are needed.Volunteers have managed to clear many benches of weeds and undergrowth, collected a large amount of litter and carried out many worthwhile tasks. A big thank you to Alison Carr for leading the teams.

7. Relaxed mowing/biodiversity

Following David Kyles agreement with with mowers to reduce mowing areas there has been a large increase in unmown areas which has made a significant difference to insect habitat and increase in low level flowering.

8. BIRD ENCLAVES/hedgerow/copse planting

FoMBL have now had agreement to establish 2 new bird enclaves at toddlers' playground next to tennis courts and at the fenced Links wildflower meadow. Low bushes including hazel, hawthorn, blackthorn, juniper and dog rose have been ordered for autumn planting. David Kyles has now linked with James Gillespie's school to involve children with planting areas of low bushes and trees at South Links opposite the school. FoMBL to assist. Funding by Million Trees project.


table-tennis table for South Links.
tree planting in autumn and spring
bird enclave in autumn
wooden bench restoration
new stores at Bruntsfield toilets and East Meadows toilets
New exercise equipment

Neil Roger 21st Oct 2023



After Neil Roger contacted Edinburgh World Heritage director in April, Silke Schneider was appointed to complete the panel project and NR/GC provided her with a complete update. So far she has been very thorough and Graeme and I are pleased with how the project has started to get going again. There are no firm dates for completion but we hope to learn more soon.


Installation date for new log playhouse and train at S.Links has still not been confirmed by Alan Grevers (CEC playgrounds officer) This equipment was delivered last year after funding raised by FoMBL.

NR still to meet playground officer to discuss new equipment proposed for East and Links Playgrounds due to old equipment deemed unsafe. Archimedes screw water feature still to be repaired.

3. BENCHES FoMBL Bench project

A FoMBL member has offered to fund the restoration of another wooden bench situated at the toddlers' playground in the Meadows.

The 2 new wooden benches installed opposite James Gillespie's school continue to be very popular.


Tree planting in the autumn

7 new trees are proposed for completion of a new avenue continuing from Warrender Park Road. Funding has been allocated for new trees to be planted along Melville Drive and we are awaiting approval from CEC forestry.

Replacement of dead trees

Approval has been given to replace many young trees which have died due to lack of watering

Tree watering

Over 40 trees planted at South Links and the Meadows have been regularly watered by FoMBL TREE GROUP. Thanks to regular waterers Benet Haughton, Martin Howorth and Alastair Philp with help from Mihaela, Anka Bremer, Keith Gifford, Amanda Lake, Felix Lake, Oliver Roger, Mr and Mrs Braunholtz.

Water Bowsers

We now have had agreement to store the bowser in the Pavilion store and David Kyles is looking into the provision of a store at the Bruntsfield toilets to store another bowser to serve the Links.
Funding to be sought to purchase up to two new bowsers.
We have had a lot of support and donations from the public.


Links fenced area

Volunteers have been tending to the wildflower meadow regularly over the summer and we had a good showing of oxeye daisy, red and white campion, yellow rattle, self heal, wood betony, knapweed, vetch, cornflower etc.
Big thanks to Amanda Lake for organising a clearing of nettles and thistles along the perimeter railings last month to avoid the whole length being sprayed with glyphosate by CEC parks. (now banned)

New notices to advertise our work still proposed

Leamington Walk wildflower meadow

Tim Duffy acquired hundreds of plugs which were planted on 29th July


Alison Carr has continued to lead the volunteers on last Saturday of the month but more volunteers are needed.Volunteers have managed to clear many benches of weeds and undergrowth, collected a large amount of litter and carried out many worthwhile tasks. A big thank you to Alison Carr for leading the teams.

7. Relaxed mowing/biodiversity

Following David Kyles agreement with with mowers to reduce mowing areas there has been a large increase in unmown areas which has made a significant difference to insect habitat and increase in low level flowering.


FoMBL have now had agreement to establish 2 new bird enclaves at toddlers' playground next to tennis courts and at the fenced Links wildflower meadow. Low bushes including hazel, hawthorn, blackthorn, juniper and dog rose have been ordered for autumn planting.


table-tennis table for South Links.
tree planting in autumn
bird enclave in autumn
wooden bench restoration
possible new store at Bruntsfield toilets
New exercise equipment

Neil Roger 4th September 2023



After NR contacted Edinburgh World Heritage director in April, Silke Schneider was appointed to complete the panel project and NR/GC provided her with a complete update. So far she has been very thorough and Graeme and I are pleased with how the project has started to get going again. There are no firm dates for completion but we hope to learn more soon.


Installation date is July for new log playhouse and train at S.Links (Alan Grevers)

NR still to meet playground officer to discuss new equipment proposed for East and Links Playgrounds due to old equipment deemed unsafe. Archimedes screw water feature still to be repaired.

3. BENCHES FoMBL Bench project

Beautifully restored hardwood bench at South Links fenced area installed on Monday 26 June by carpenter Richard Ryrko.

2 new wooden benches installed opposite James Gillespie's school . These have proved to be very popular.


22 trees planted at South Links have now been watered almost every week by FoMBL TREE GROUP. Particular thanks to Alistair Philp who has pulled the water bowser up to the Links almost every Friday since April. Thanks too to regular waterers Benet Haughton, Martin Howorth with help from Mihaela, Anka Bremer, Keith Gifford, Amanda Lake, Felix Lake, Oliver Roger, Mr and Mrs Braunholtz. Many other newly planted trees on the Meadows have also been regularly watered.

We have had a lot of support and donations from the public.


Links fenced area

Volunteers have been tending to the wildflower meadow regularly over the last 2 months and we now have a good showing of oxeye daisy, red and white campion, yellow rattle, self heal, wood betony, knapweed, vetch, cornflower etc. Big thanks to Amanda Lake for organising a clearing of nettles and thistles along the perimeter railings to avoid the whole length being sprayed with glysophate by CEC parks.

New notices to advertise our work still proposed

Leamington Walk wildflower meadow

Tim Duffy has acquired hundreds of plugs for planting on 29th July


Alison Carr has continued to lead the volunteers on last Saturday of the month but more volunteers are needed.Volunteers have managed to clear many benches of weeds and undergrowth, collected a large amount of litter and carried out many worthwhile tasks. A big thank you to Alison Carr for leading the teams.

7. Relaxed mowing/biodiversity

Following David Kyles agreement with with mowers to reduce mowing areas there has been a large increase in unmown areas which has made a significant difference to insect habitat.


FoMBL have now had agreement to establish 2 new bird enclaves at toddlers' playground next to tennis courts and at the fenced Links wildflower meadow.


table-tennis table for South Links.
tree planting in autumn
bird enclave in autumn

Neil Roger 1st July 2023



NR written to Christina Sinclair who is Director of EWH to ask for project to resume or FoMBL will proceed with existing funds to install 2-3 panels (Nelson's Pillars, Royal Infirmary and Mason's Pillars) No reply to date.


Contractors still to provide installation date for new playhouse at S.Links

NR to meet playground officer to discuss new equipment proposed for East and Links Playgrounds due to old equipment deemed unsafe.


Restored bench at Links fenced area almost ready to install

2 new benches ready to install by David Kyles opposite James Gillespie's school


21 trees planted at South Links

Next stage is watering and maintenance. Need to purchase long hose to connect to public toilets.

We have had a lot of support and donations from the public.


Links fenced area

New volunteers have planted and seeded cleared turf areas. Muscari bulbs have grown well this year and we have marked off areas to prevent mowers cutting them prematurely

David Kyles and Peter Davidson have planted wildflower plugs and cut back docks/nettles and thistles at perimeter fence.

New notices to advertise our work in hand

Leamington Walk wildflower meadow

Tim Duffy has acquired hundreds of plugs for planting at end of this month


Alison Carr has continued to lead the volunteers on last Saturday of the month but needs a notice to advertise for more volunteers who are badly needed.

7. Relaxed mowing

David Kyles has agreed with mowers to reduce mowing areas and a map has been drawn up to show areas which will not be mown - the start of less mowing throughout the park. He has also agreed to allocate a bird friendly low bush area at the playground adjoining the tennis courts.

Neil Roger 17/04/2023



The thriving green spaces project will be completed by the end of October. Of interest to FOMBL has been the publication of the "Volunteering in Edinburgh's Parks and Greenspaces" which is worth reading by all members.

The lead officer, Ian Robertson, has stated the following: "Our team is currently preparing to launch an open and public consultation on a draft long term strategy for the City's parks and greenspaces. That will be a culminating point to the earlier work with Friends groups and others. We then expect final strategy proposals to go to Culture and Communities Committee in December 2022. Backing the final strategy there will then be an Action Plan for implementation. What we could call a sub-strategy and action plan on volunteer roles and support exists in draft. At time of writing is still work in progress and will have to be finalised based on actual Council decisions about strategy" He hopes to update us after 26th Sept. We have yet to hear about plans for Mike Shield's replacement after he retires at the end of the year.

2. History and Information Panels-

After a long delay Graeme Cruikshank and I had a positive meeting on the 3rd August with EWH project leader, Fiona Rankin. She stated that funding from Historic Environment Scotland was ring-fenced and the approx. £17000 would be transferred to our account at some point. She also gave a completion deadline of March 2023. It was agreed that Fiona would set up a meeting with EWH to progress the project but unfortunately this still hasn't happened.

3. Playgrounds-

Due to delays in supply of equipment, work on the South Links playhouse has still not started.

The parts required to repair the archimedes screw water feature have now arrived and installation is now expected to be completed in the Spring 2023.

Mike Shields has agreed to install a new bench at the South Links playground.

4. Tree planting and watering-

Forestry have agreed to supply 20 new trees for us to plant at South Links funded by the Million Tree initiative. To date Forestry have not ordered the trees which we had hoped to plant in late autumn. We have now obtained keys to the Bruntsfield and East Meadows public toilets so that we can obtain water closer to young trees after planting.

We have recently been offered a further 20 trees to be planted on the Meadows near to Sciennes school. Funding to be provided by Maxi Construction who are building Sciennes school extension.

At least 5 trees which were planted at the end of 2021 and beginning of 2022 have died due to dry conditions and despite the tree group watering all the trees throughout the year.

Three young rare elms (Ulmus minor Umbraculifera Gracilis [Späth].) have been planted at the Links wildflower meadow.

5. Wildflower Meadows-

Unfortunately the council mowers cut the whole of the Leamington Walk meadow by mistake - far too early in the season, resulting in loss of habitat for pollinators during September. Mike has provided funds to provide wildflower plugs to make up for this loss. Tim Duffy and Alec Mann managed to rake all the cuttings themselves.

The Links meadow has fared better and a new rope was fixed to replace the one which was recently stolen. There is now an active group of volunteers who have watered and planted the meadow throughout the summer attracting a large number of pollinators.

6. Benches-

A community grant has been applied for to renovate an old wooden bench at the South Links playground along with two new wooden benches adjoining the James Gillespie play area/South Links.

7. Cycle stands-

Joan Carter has been working on provision of cycle stands at various points throughout the park.

Neil Roger 17/09/2022

© 2023 FoMBL